– Apulia-Net International Networking Event
– Tour d’Europe Palermo
– Dani softvera – budućnost digitalnog poslovanja
– conhIT 2017


Poslovni akcelerator KATANA – Evaluate pitch

Poslovni akcelerator KATANA organizira Pitching događaj koji će se održati 21. veljače 2017. godine u Novom Sadu, Srbija. Projekt KATANA namijenjen je MSP-ovima i start-up-ovima u prehrambeno-prerađivačkom (engl. Agrofood) lancu vrijednosti (engl. Value chain), koji za cilj ima olakšavanje dionicima pristup znanju, tehnologijama, kapitalu i tržištima kako bi povećali svoju konkurentnost na globalnom tržištu. Ovo […]



– FETOPEN-01-2016-2017-RIA – Istraživanje kontinuirane transformacije transformirajućih tvrtki
– Traže se mala i srednja poduzeća iz IT sektora i općina za formiranje konzorcija unutar programa Obzor 2020
– Rumunjska poljoprivredna tvrtka je u potrazi za novom tehnologijom izdvajanja vlakana iz industrijske konoplje
– Talijanska kemijska tvrtka želi razviti novi biorazgradivi materijal za proizvode niže vrijednosti
– Poljska tvrtka, koja se bavi uvođenjem sustava kontrole proizvodnje opreme, traži distributere i nudi suradnju kao pružatelj usluga
– Makedonska tvrtka, koja nudi uslugu inspekcijskih nadzora objekata, traži građevinske partnere koje grade pasivne zgrade


Supported by the crowd

Mirna Vlahovic wanted to start the first crowdfunding platform in Croatia. However, she knew that the failure rate of new business is very high. One of the main factors is lack of experience, which was present in her case as well. One way to help stack the odds in her favor was by gaining some […]


Making things work

Mauro Cherin is planning to start a company Tropico that will be focused on solar energy systems installation. His dream was to run a small business, but he still needed to learn various things for running a small company and to gain more enterpreneurship skills. And for that reason, Mauro decided to participate in Erasmus […]


Success through networking

Marko is planning to start a website that would connect foreign glampers and everything they like that can be seen, experienced and visited in Croatia. This way he would create an industry niche in Croatia that is curently not exposed enough. Because of that, Marko wanted to learn more about tourist industry in the field […]


Doing the right thing

Marina Došen Jan wanted to open a new tourism enterprise called ECOTOURISM RETREAT with primary service of the accommodation of guests. She had several years of experience in working in a small company and local community, but she didn’t know, and wanted to learn, how to manage and lead a company, promote it, get customers […]


New techniques of therapy

Lada is a physiotherapist and Thai massage therapist and her goal is to open a studio that offers a combination of both fields. Having that in mind, she found her host entrepreneur Jorgen who is also a therapist and works with athletes in nutrition, as well as kinesitherapy. Lada signed up to go on Erasmus […]


In EYE for third time!

Matija is an entrepreneur with experience in the new media and culture field, especially cultural management. Guided with good past experience with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, he decided to participated in the Programme for the third time! He contacted Jelena, a young independent artist who wants to start small art business. Jelena needs advices and […]


Pravila o kolačićima

web.tera.hr koristi kolačiće radi poboljšanja korisničkog iskustva -> saznaj više. Nastavkom korištenja web.tera.hr stranica slažete se sa korištenjem kolačića.