Together in new business

Marija Latin is an owner of translation company ˝Riječ po riječ˝. The company is specialized in Croatian to English/Italian translation and vice versa. However, considering the EU membership of Croatia she decided to seize the opportunity and engage in more lucrative, dynamic and challenging tourism sector, by opening a Destination Management Company (DMC). Due to lack of experience in that field she decided to participate in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. She found Diego Antonacci, the leader of Italian company ˝Impact Hub Bari˝. It is an innovative co-working space for social innovators. Since Impact Hub Bari operates in the region which plans to make tourism its main industry, their network of entrepreneurs includes various business members specialized in providing logistic services in tourism sector which is very helpful for Marija in launching her company.

Marija Latin is an owner of translation company ˝Riječ po riječ˝. The company is specialized in Croatian to English/Italian translation and vice versa. However, considering the EU membership of Croatia she decided to seize the opportunity and engage in more lucrative, dynamic and challenging tourism sector, by opening a Destination Management Company (DMC). Due to lack of experience in that field she decided to participate in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. She found Diego Antonacci, the leader of Italian company ˝Impact Hub Bari˝. It is an innovative co-working space for social innovators. Since Impact Hub Bari operates in the region which plans to make tourism its main industry, their network of entrepreneurs includes various business members specialized in providing logistic services in tourism sector which is very helpful for Marija in launching her company.

Marija brought new skills and points of view to the management which enabled Diego to evaluate some of assets from a new standpoint and redefine several internal and external business processes, especially the ones regarding event management and hosting practices. Thanks to the programme, Marija is now able to organize all type of business events independently and develop an effective Social Media campaign. ˝This was a rewarding and inspiring experience for me, both from professional and personal level.˝, Marija said. Also, during her stay she started working on a new business idea with her Italian colleagues and they are now taking first steps in launching a DMC specialized in bachelor and bachelorette tours in Apulia and Croatia. Together they are finishing a business plan. Marija is still in Italy and except her business idea she works on organization of events with a target to learn more because one of employee is absent. All of this would not be possible without Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. This programme has provided Marija with necessary skills and resources to make her goals come true.

˝Marija brought new and diverse international experience to our community and repeatedly stimulated opportunities for collaboration between our members.˝, Diego said.



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